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TRL invites volunteer groups who wish to donate an ONIL Stove through the organization to join our stove team installing ONIL stoves in Santiago Atitlan. Groups can accompany our stove team into the field for hands-on experience delivering improved cookstove technology to families. The stove will be cared for by the owners, monitored during the first year by TRL three times after installation, and maintained over the lifetime of the stove. Accompanying the team, our administrator, Cameron, will provide Tzutujil/English/Spanish interpretation services so groups can communicate with beneficiaries and build long term relationships for years to come.
With a member of our local Rotary Club serving the organization, TRL gives priority to Rotary clubs looking to engage in serving our community. We encourage groups to contact us with a minimum of one-month notice of their arrival date to arrange their trip.
The cost of an ONIL Stove is Q1200 ($160 USD) including procurement, installation and follow-up. Please use the form below to contact us for further information.
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